lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

We have taken measures to reduce our carbon footprint

NUNIVAK CO2 Proyect Carbon Footprint

Seductive Mineral Water

Ecological Footprint- ecologic

Our company aims at a sustainable development; therefore, we analyzed its impact on the environment (ecological footprint), its influence on the earth (social footprint) and the human contribution on the environment (cultural footprint)

The Ecological Footprint is a resource management tool that measures how much land and water area a human population requires to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes under prevailing technology. The Ecological Footprint of a person is calculated by considering all of the biological materials consumed, and all of the biological wastes generated, by that person in a given year. These materials and wastes include energy consumption, material consumption, cropland, CO2 emission, etc. They are then individually translated into an equivalent number of global hectares needed to recover the consumed resources or absorb CO2 emissions.

The Ecological Footprint of a company allows the company to reduce carbon emission and fight against climate change

All products that reach end users have gone through a long value chain which starts in the raw material extraction ( minerals, wood fish etc.,) and ends in the finished product, including design, transformation, promotion, distribution, transportation and commercialization. In each of these stages or links something of the Ecological Footprint is added.

The accumulated Ecological Footprint is received by the end users, or customers at a restaurant, but all stages as well as all participants involved in each stage have at a moment been intermediate users (as temporal holder) of the “flowing” product, so we can consider that all these processes or end consumption such as energy or fossil fuel are incorporated in the “flowing" product as a factor of production, thus creating and contributing to the carbon footprint of the “flowing” product.

All and each of these processes are registered and accounted for in the company accountability and therefore they are considered as footprint.

The company ´s Ecological footprint produces a “domino effect” since as the company wants to acquire free carbon footprint products; it looks for eco- efficient suppliers. The eco-label provides an easy and comprehensible environmental identification of products and companies


We cultivate bamboo since according to Dr. Turham Nerjat Veziroglu (Nobel Prize candidate in Economy in 2000) “The Bamboo is the most renewable resource to stop deforestation and famine. Besides, it generates jobs and opportunities”

NUNIVAK CO2 PROJECT It is a project that aims at reducing the carbon footprint in all the products manufactured by La Posta del Águila.

Through this project, La Posta del Águila issues carbon bonds whose value is based on the carbon dioxide tons kept in a year within the Bamboo wood- a wood that will be created by La Posta del Águila to reduce the Ecological footprint generated in all the productive process of its products- and the remaining surplus will commercialized in the world wide market.
In the worldwide market, the buyers of these bonds are companies and /or governments in developed countries where the level of pollution is very high. They will buy the bonds from companies in under developed countries where huge woods are created to reduce carbon dioxide by liberating more oxygen, thus producing an environmental benefit.
This project benefits the forest sector since between the years 2008 and 2012 (first stage of the MDL commitment) it will be just limited to the deforestation and reforestation of additional new surfaces.
Besides, the oxygen generated by the bamboo wood not only contributes directly to the environment but also generates a potential source of additional revenue for the country that sells the oxygen in worldwide markets.
A bamboo hectare captures a 40% more of oxygen during its first 3 years than a hectare of pine or eucalyptus during its 10 or 14 years. This means that the bamboo captures more CO2 in a shorter time. This is because as the bamboo is used as a bio-mass, its calorific power is higher than the calorific power of hard wood. These two reasons are sufficient enough to appreciate those Climate change projects where the bamboo is used as material.The bamboo is a critical element to keep the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, since it is renewable, it is not cut down, rather it is pruned and it is a resistant natural resource

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